
Wilderness trail by foot

Lhulhuwi Imfolozi – South Africa

June 5th-13th 2024

‘’Don’t try to be someone, rather find the thing that is so engaging that it makes you forget yourself”
Boyd Varty Lions tracker guide to life.

This bush trail goes beyond any other bush trail. With a group of 10 men, curious for life, increased consciousness and personal growth, we invite you to wander with us through the old hunting grounds of Shaka Zulu. We will be walking by foot through the South African wilderness for 6 days relying on each other and our tracking guides.
We drink from rivers, sleep along the fire, won’t see any other people, and will cross paths with many animals up close. As phones and watches will be handed in before we take off into the wild, you will soon adapt to the rhythm of mother nature again as it is our true rhythm too. This is the place where time slows down and before you know it, a whole week fits into one day.

This wilderness trail will invite you to reconnect with your inner self to find the answers to your life questions, remember your forgotten dreams, and help you make the changes you want to make.

What a day may look like:

05:30 Waking up in the early morning on the rocks along the river, while the small fire next to you has been kept burning all through the night. A big group of baboons wakes up just next to you and climbs down from the rocks to play at the banks of the river. Mist is still on the surface of the slowly flowing river. The river invites us for a quick swim and we cook some water to make tea.

7:00 Morning stretching and breathwork to enter this new day in deep connection with yourself and your surroundings. To help you boost your inner connection we will guide you using different breathwork exercises during this wilderness trail. This will help you see and listen from the heart, without using your rational senses.

09:00 Campfire cooked breakfast and repacking our bags and filling our water bottles before leaving again without any trace.

10:00 Walking under guidance of our trackers, mostly in silence, to blend in with nature and connect with the majestic wildlife of this amazing land.

12:00 Time to rest, prepare lunch while contemplating in the shade of a big tree as the sun is very hot now. Just as the early mornings and the nights, these moments at the midst of day offer just beautiful moments for contemplation and stillness. Very often it is these moments that bring you personal insights on all levels.

14:00 We are back on trail, in silence, and the guides help us track all kinds of animals. Standing face to face with a rhino in the middle of nowhere is pure gratitude and humbleness.

17:00 Setting up evening camp somewhere on the rocks along the river. As darkness falls, we might hear lions roar and a small open fire is prepared. We will sit around the fire, cook together and share our stories. Soon, the starry sky is everywhere and we blend in more and more with the rhythm of mother nature.

21:00 We jump in our sleeping bags early, and experience a dream filled night, while sleeping with only our sleeping bags and mats under the stars. With the magical concert of the crickets and frogs it’s far from silent. Every now and then the concert is interrupted by the giggles and howls of a hyena. During the night everyone is responsible for about an hour of night-watch on your own, (which you measure using your fist and the stars), watching over your sleeping  brothers by scanning the surroundings with a strong Maglite every few minutes. There you are, standing in the dark, in the middle of the wilderness and gazing at the stars. Close to the fire, while everyone is asleep. You feel very humble,  deeply connected to nature, and at the same time very much alive. After your night-watch you wake up one of the other men and wrap yourself in your sleeping back for a well deserved rest.

For who is this journey?
This journey is for leaders who choose to grow and want to enter into a new chapter on one or multiple areas in their life. They dare to trust the unknown future, even though it’s scary sometimes. They dare to look at themselves, see their actions not serving them, and know what they want to change. They know they can train themselves to consciously choose their thoughts and actions and become the person they want to be. They dare to create the life they want. Step by step.
This journey will help you to connect again to a world full of dreams, where everything is possible.
This journey will help you gain the insights and make the steps to live your full potential

// After this journey you will:

#1 // have been confronted with yourself: physically, mentally and emotionally.
#2 // have more clarity in your direction in life. You know where you want to go, what your biggest obstacles are on the way, and how you can change your life in the direction you want.
#3 //  have learned concrete breathwork, meditation, and communication tools to align your body, mind and speech with your deepest truths. Faith in yourself and in life is strengtheneth.
#4 // have been in contact with a nature and animals so wild, it has truly dusted of your own wild heart and energy is on again!

Our goal with this wilderness trail is to offer you a tracking guide to your own forgotten dreams and remember who you are meant to be. 

What’s included:

  • 5 day guided tracking in the wilderness

  • Koen and Oscar coaching on group and individual level

  • Full tracking gear (backpack, sleeping bag, mat)

  • Food

  • Connecting travel from Durban Airport

  • 1st night in simple bush lodge

  • last night in a luxurious bush lodge

What’s not included

  • flight to Capetown

  • flight from Capetown to Durban


  • 3850 ex flight

Bio Koen:

On paper you would say I facilitate leadership training and breathwork. In essence I’ll take you along on my journey to live more authentically and more truthful. To meet yourself and others on a deeper level. While you need courage to do this, you’ll most likely find that a new strength and aliveness will rise from within.

I served as an officer for the Royal Dutch Army for sixteen years. At the frontline I experienced what it meant to synchronise body, mind and spirit for optimal performance. Under these extreme conditions I learned to lead from a deeper place. Cultivating trust because our lives depended on it. Leading with clarity, openness and vision.

Bio Oscar

Albert Einstein: “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.”

We are dreamers. I believe it’s our nature to create from our imagination. It’s just so important not to become unconscious and let go of our nature by living from our heads, instead of from our hearts. Where the future consciously can be imagined, anything is possible. We do not need others to see our dreams to make them what we call reality. As long as we feel it’s possible, deep knowing, deeper than from our mind, it is possible to manifest our dreams.

I love to help people dream their dreams again and be a little spark where possible.

I learned about the power of breathwork in 2015 via Wim Hof in our preparation of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in shorts. After our adventure I participated in additional training modules and became a Wim Hof instructor. Later I specialized as a breathwork coach via and finished my training as a MMS Lifecoach.I also run a recruitment company that helps corporations connect to highly educated professionals: Moongro. Together with my daughter Guusje, girlfriend Katrien and her three daughters Sabine, Annabel and Frederique I live close to the sea in Aerdenhout.
